Monday, October 18, 2010

Ila loves Roo; Roo loves Love

On Saturday Ila began rolling over consistently from from to back. She's done it once or twice before - fueled mostly by the rage that fills her little being when she's laid down on her stomach for tummy time. As far as I can tell, "tummy time" is "get in touch with anger" time for Ila. Well, now she can generally roll right over to her lounging back position. Though, actually, once on her back she does often do her little baby pilates because she really wants to be sitting up. This is something she hasn't quite mastered yet however.

Her adventures began bright and early on Saturday. She got us up at about 5:30. We all decided to get out of bed at about 6 - after trying, unsuccessfully to lull Ila back to sleep with some nursing. Instead, she visited with our cat Roo - and found the whole experience hilarious. She was giggling and reaching for Roo, who didn't seem to mind too much. I actually managed to catch the tail end of the laughing here. Yay! My friend Amanda also managed to get her to laugh during her visit today. So, that's Deb, Amanda, and Roo. We can sometimes get her to laugh...but I think we're a little too run-of-the-mill for Ila's taste.


  1. Oh this is too cute. Go ILA! Rolling over is a whole new phase in life - not to be taken for granted!

    I love her giggle! And that she loves Roo so much...and that Roo loves her! He is purring! That's adorable :)

  2. Her giggle is pretty cute. Roo is maybe a little more wary now because she managed to really grab onto his tail recently! But, I think his overwhelming desire to be loved will probably enable them to be buddies...most of the time!

  3. ....I have no words for the cuteness I have witnessed.... SHE'S A CAT LOVER!! HOORAAAAY!
