Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Ila the Hutt

Kiyomi likes to call Ila "Ila the Hut." These pictures pretty much explain why. This little girl certainly does have big cheeks. These were taken shortly after nursing - her cheeks and face look even more doughy after nursing for some reason.

I think this is adorable...but I sort of think these might be among the pictures that our daughter, when she is a teenager, will be sort of embarrassed by. She does look a little goofy - but so cute!


  1. I think these are perfect 'pull out to show the prom date' photos. they should also be a staple mantle piece. i'm pretty sure embarrassing your children is in the parent job description.

  2. Ah, embarrassment. Isn't it supposed to be something that just HAPPENS, though? Should I try to embarrass her? I'm sure it will be things I least expect that really get her upset...

    Oh, the teenage years...when she can flee her parents and stay with Auntie Hypatia and Uncle Jesse!
